Intel Core i7-6567U Benchmark, Test and specs

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The Intel Core i7-6567U has 2 cores with 4 threads and is based on the 6. gen of the Intel Core i7 series. The processor uses a mainboard with the BGA 1356 socket and was released in Q3/2015. The Intel Core i7-6567U scores 855 points in the Geekbench 5 single-core benchmark. In the Geekbench 5 multi-core benchmark, the result is 1,904 points.
Intel Core i7-6567U

At a glance

Name: Intel Core i7-6567U
Family: Intel Core i7 (299)
CPU group: Intel Core i 6000U (20)
Architecture: Skylake U
Technology: 14 nm
Segment: Notebook
Generation: 6
Predecessor: Intel Core i7-5557U
Successor: Intel Core i7-7567U

CPU Cores and Base Frequency

The Intel Core i7-6567U has 2 CPU cores and can calculate 4 threads in parallel. The clock frequency of the Intel Core i7-6567U is 3.30 GHz (3.60 GHz). The number of CPU cores greatly affects the speed of the processor and is an important performance indicator.

CPU Cores / Threads: 2 / 4
Core architecture: normal
Cores: 2x
Hyperthreading / SMT: Yes
Overclocking: No
Frequency: 3.30 GHz
Turbo Frequency (1 Core): 3.60 GHz
Turbo Frequency (2 Cores): 3.00 GHz

Integrated graphics (iGPU)

The Intel Core i7-6567U has integrated graphics, called iGPU for short. Specifically, the Intel Core i7-6567U uses the Intel Iris Graphics 550, which has 384 texture shaders and 48 execution units. The iGPU uses the system's main memory as graphics memory and sits on the processor's die.

GPU name: Intel Iris Graphics 550
GPU frequency: 0.30 GHz
GPU (Turbo): 1.10 GHz
Compute units: 48
Shader: 384
Hardware Raytracing: No
Release date: Q3/2015
Max. displays: 3
Generation: 9
Direct X: 12
Technology: 14 nm
Max. GPU Memory: 32 GB
Frame Generation: No

Hardware codec support

A photo or video codec that is accelerated in hardware can greatly accelerate the working speed of a processor and extend the battery life of notebooks or smartphones when playing videos.

h265 / HEVC (8 bit): Decode / Encode
h265 / HEVC (10 bit): No
h264: Decode / Encode
VP8: Decode / Encode
VP9: No
AV1: No
AVC: Decode / Encode
VC-1: Decode
JPEG: Decode / Encode

Memory & PCIe

The processor can use up to 32 GB memory in 2 (Dual Channel) memory channels. The maximum memory bandwidth is 34.1 GB/s. The memory type as well as the amount of memory can greatly affect the speed of the system.

Memory type: Memory bandwidth:
29.9 GB/s
34.1 GB/s
Max. Memory: 32 GB
Memory channels: 2 (Dual Channel)
PCIe: 3.0 x 12
PCIe Bandwidth: 11.8 GB/s

Thermal Management

The thermal design power (TDP for short) of the processor is 28 W. The TDP specifies the necessary cooling solution that is required to cool the processor sufficiently. The TDP usually gives a rough idea of the actual power consumption of the CPU.

TDP (PL1 / PBP): 28 W
TDP (PL2): --
TDP up: --
TDP down: 23 W
Tjunction max.: 100 °C

Technical details

The Intel Core i7-6567U is made in 14 nm. The smaller the manufacturing process of a CPU, the more modern and energy-efficient it is. Overall, the processor has 4.00 MB cache. A large cache can greatly speed up the processor's speed in some cases such as games.

Technology: 14 nm
Chip design: Monolithic
Socket: BGA 1356
L2-Cache: --
L3-Cache: 4.00 MB
Operating systems: Windows 10, Linux
Virtualization: VT-x, VT-x EPT, VT-d
Instruction set (ISA): x86-64 (64 bit)
ISA extensions: SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2
Release date: Q3/2015
Release price: 415 $
Part Number: --
Documents: Technical data sheet

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Benchmark results

Verified Benchmark results
The benchmark results for the Intel Core i7-6567U have been carefully checked by us. We only publish benchmark results that have been created by us or that have been submitted by a visitor and then checked by a team member. All results are based on and fullfill our benchmark guidelines.

Geekbench 6 (Single-Core)

Geekbench 6 is a partial load benchmark for modern computers, notebooks and smartphones. In the single-core test, only the fastest CPU core is measured. The test run simulates the performance in practice.
Intel Core i3-8121U Intel Core i3-8121U
2C 4T @ 3.20 GHz
Intel Core i5-7360U Intel Core i5-7360U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
Intel Core i7-5700HQ Intel Core i7-5700HQ
4C 8T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
Intel Core i7-4980HQ Intel Core i7-4980HQ
4C 8T @ 4.00 GHz
Intel Core i5-6287U Intel Core i5-6287U
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i5-6440HQ Intel Core i5-6440HQ
4C 4T @ 3.50 GHz

Geekbench 6 (Multi-Core)

The practical Geekbench 6 multi-core benchmark tests the system's performance under partial load. The processor's maximum power consumption is far from being used up.
Intel Core i7-7560U Intel Core i7-7560U
2C 4T @ 3.70 GHz
Intel Core i3-10110U Intel Core i3-10110U
2C 4T @ 3.20 GHz
Intel Core i7-7500U Intel Core i7-7500U
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i5-7300U Intel Core i5-7300U
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-3630QM Intel Core i7-3630QM
4C 8T @ 2.40 GHz
Intel Core i3-1000G4 Intel Core i3-1000G4
4C 8T @ 3.20 GHz

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i5-6440HQ Intel Core i5-6440HQ
4C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i5-4210H Intel Core i5-4210H
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-4810MQ Intel Core i7-4810MQ
4C 8T @ 3.80 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
AMD Athlon PRO 300GE AMD Athlon PRO 300GE
2C 4T @ 3.40 GHz
Valve Steam Deck (AMD Custom APU 0405) Valve Steam Deck (AMD Custom APU 0405)
4C 8T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-6870HQ Intel Core i7-6870HQ
4C 8T @ 3.60 GHz

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Core i5-7300U Intel Core i5-7300U
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
AMD Athlon 200GE AMD Athlon 200GE
2C 4T @ 3.20 GHz
Intel Core i7-7600U Intel Core i7-7600U
2C 4T @ 3.90 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i7-6660U Intel Core i7-6660U
2C 4T @ 2.40 GHz
Intel Core i7-7560U Intel Core i7-7560U
2C 4T @ 3.70 GHz
Intel Core i7-4600M Intel Core i7-4600M
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz

iGPU - FP32 Performance (Single-precision GFLOPS)

The theoretical computing performance of the internal graphics unit of the processor with simple accuracy (32 bit) in GFLOPS. GFLOPS indicates how many billion floating point operations the iGPU can perform per second.
AMD Ryzen 3 3300U AMD Ryzen 3 3300U
AMD Radeon RX Vega 6 (Raven Ridge) @ 1.10 GHz
AMD Ryzen 3 PRO 3300U AMD Ryzen 3 PRO 3300U
AMD Radeon RX Vega 6 (Raven Ridge) @ 1.10 GHz
Intel Core i3-1110G4 Intel Core i3-1110G4
Intel UHD Graphics (Tiger Lake G4) @ 1.10 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
Intel Iris Graphics 550 @ 1.10 GHz
Intel Core i5-6287U Intel Core i5-6287U
Intel Iris Graphics 550 @ 1.10 GHz
Intel Core i5-8269U Intel Core i5-8269U
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 @ 1.10 GHz
Intel Core i7-7567U Intel Core i7-7567U
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650 @ 1.10 GHz

Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark

Some of the CPUs listed below have been benchmarked by CPU-monkey. However the majority of CPUs have not been tested and the results have been estimated by a CPU-monkey’s secret proprietary formula. As such they do not accurately reflect the actual Passmark CPU mark values and are not endorsed by PassMark Software Pty Ltd.
AMD Ryzen 3 3200U AMD Ryzen 3 3200U
2C 4T @ 2.60 GHz
AMD Ryzen 3 3250U AMD Ryzen 3 3250U
2C 4T @ 2.60 GHz
Intel Core i5-7267U Intel Core i5-7267U
2C 4T @ 3.50 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i5-6287U Intel Core i5-6287U
2C 4T @ 3.30 GHz
Intel Core i3-1000G4 Intel Core i3-1000G4
4C 8T @ 3.20 GHz
Intel Core i3-1000NG4 Intel Core i3-1000NG4
4C 8T @ 3.20 GHz

Blender 2.81 (bmw27)

Blender is a free 3D graphics software for rendering (creating) 3D bodies, which can also be textured and animated in the software. The Blender benchmark creates predefined scenes and measures the time (s) required for the entire scene. The shorter the time required, the better. We selected bmw27 as the benchmark scene.
Intel Core i5-8365U Intel Core i5-8365U
4C 8T @ 2.60 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3450U AMD Ryzen 5 3450U
4C 8T @ 3.10 GHz
Intel Core i3-1115G4 Intel Core i3-1115G4
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i7-6500U Intel Core i7-6500U
2C 4T @ 2.80 GHz
Intel Core i7-7600U Intel Core i7-7600U
2C 4T @ 3.90 GHz
Intel Core i5-6300U Intel Core i5-6300U
2C 4T @ 2.60 GHz

Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i7-5950HQ Intel Core i7-5950HQ
4C 8T @ 3.80 GHz
Intel Core i5-7440HQ Intel Core i5-7440HQ
4C 4T @ 3.80 GHz
Intel Processor N100 Intel Processor N100
4C 4T @ 3.40 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
Intel Core i3-8109U Intel Core i3-8109U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
Intel Core i5-7360U Intel Core i5-7360U
2C 4T @ 3.60 GHz
Intel Core i7-4980HQ Intel Core i7-4980HQ
4C 8T @ 4.00 GHz

Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Atom x6425E Intel Atom x6425E
4C 4T @ 2.70 GHz
Intel Core i5-7200U Intel Core i5-7200U
2C 4T @ 3.10 GHz
Intel Core i5-4210H Intel Core i5-4210H
2C 4T @ 2.90 GHz
Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6567U
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz
Intel Core i7-5600U Intel Core i7-5600U
2C 4T @ 3.10 GHz
Intel Core i7-5650U Intel Core i7-5650U
2C 4T @ 3.10 GHz
Intel Core i3-7100H Intel Core i3-7100H
2C 4T @ 3.00 GHz


Popular comparisons

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10. Intel Core i7-6567U Intel Core i7-6700HQ Intel Core i7-6567U vs Intel Core i7-6700HQ

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