Intel Core i5-12600KF vs Intel Core Ultra 5 225F

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Note: The information shown below is based on rumors and unoffical information. Technical details or benchmark results may be different in the final version of this processor.

CPU comparison with benchmarks

Intel Core i5-12600KF CPU1 vs CPU2 Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core Ultra 5 225F

CPU comparison

Intel Core i5-12600KF or Intel Core Ultra 5 225F - which processor is faster? In this comparison we look at the differences and analyze which of these two CPUs is better. We compare the technical data and benchmark results.

The Intel Core i5-12600KF has 10 cores with 16 threads and clocks with a maximum frequency of 4.90 GHz. Up to 128 GB of memory is supported in 2 memory channels. The Intel Core i5-12600KF was released in Q4/2021.

The Intel Core Ultra 5 225F has 10 cores with 10 threads and clocks with a maximum frequency of 4.90 GHz. The CPU supports up to 192 GB of memory in 2 memory channels. The Intel Core Ultra 5 225F was released in Q4/2024.
Intel Core i5 (336) Family Intel Core Ultra 5 (20)
Intel Core i 12000 (34) CPU group Intel Core Ultra 200 AL-S (14)
12 Generation 2
Alder Lake S Architecture Arrow Lake
Desktop Segment Desktop
Intel Core i5-11600KF Predecessor --
Intel Core i5-13600KF Successor --

CPU Cores and Base Frequency

The Intel Core i5-12600KF has 10 CPU cores and can calculate 16 threads in parallel. The clock frequency of the Intel Core i5-12600KF is 3.70 GHz (4.90 GHz) while the Intel Core Ultra 5 225F has 10 CPU cores and 10 threads can calculate simultaneously. The clock frequency of the Intel Core Ultra 5 225F is at 3.30 GHz (4.90 GHz).

Intel Core i5-12600KF Characteristic Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10 Cores 10
16 Threads 10
hybrid (big.LITTLE) Core architecture hybrid (big.LITTLE)
Yes Hyperthreading No
Yes Overclocking ? Yes
3.70 GHz (4.90 GHz)
6x Golden Cove
A-Core 3.30 GHz (4.90 GHz)
6x Lion Cove
2.80 GHz (3.60 GHz)
4x Gracemont
B-Core 2.70 GHz (4.40 GHz)
4x Skymont

NPU AI performance

The performance values of the processor's AI unit. The isolated NPU performance is specified here, the total AI performance (NPU+CPU+iGPU) can be higher. Processors with support for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can process many calculations, especially audio, image and video processing, much faster than classic processors.

Intel Core i5-12600KF Characteristic Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
-- AI hardware Intel® AI Boost
-- AI specifications Intel AI Boost NPU 4 @ 13 TOPS
-- NPU + CPU + iGPU 37 TOPS

Integrated graphics (iGPU)

The Intel Core i5-12600KF or Intel Core Ultra 5 225F has integrated graphics, called iGPU for short. The iGPU uses the system's main memory as graphics memory and sits on the processor's die.

no iGPU GPU no iGPU
GPU frequency --
-- GPU (Turbo) --
-- GPU Generation --
Max. displays
-- Compute units --
-- Shader --
No Hardware Raytracing No
No Frame Generation No
-- Max. GPU Memory --
-- DirectX Version --

Hardware codec support

A photo or video codec that is accelerated in hardware can greatly accelerate the working speed of a processor and extend the battery life of notebooks or smartphones when playing videos.

no iGPU GPU no iGPU
No Codec h265 / HEVC (8 bit) No
No Codec h265 / HEVC (10 bit) No
No Codec h264 No
No Codec VP9 No
No Codec VP8 No
No Codec AV1 No
No Codec AVC No
No Codec VC-1 No
No Codec JPEG No

Memory & PCIe

The Intel Core i5-12600KF can use up to 128 GB of memory in 2 memory channels. The maximum memory bandwidth is 76.8 GB/s. The Intel Core Ultra 5 225F supports up to 192 GB of memory in 2 memory channels and achieves a memory bandwidth of up to 102.4 GB/s.

Intel Core i5-12600KF Characteristic Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
DDR5-4800, DDR4-3200 Memory DDR5-6400
128 GB Max. Memory 192 GB
2 (Dual Channel) Memory channels 2 (Dual Channel)
76.8 GB/s Max. Bandwidth 102.4 GB/s
No ECC Yes
9.50 MB L2 Cache 26.00 MB
20.00 MB L3 Cache 24.00 MB
5.0 PCIe version 5.0
20 PCIe lanes 20
78.8 GB/s PCIe Bandwidth 78.8 GB/s

Thermal Management

The thermal design power (TDP for short) of the Intel Core i5-12600KF is 125 W, while the Intel Core Ultra 5 225F has a TDP of 65 W. The TDP specifies the necessary cooling solution that is required to cool the processor sufficiently.

Intel Core i5-12600KF Characteristic Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
125 W TDP (PL1 / PBP) 65 W
150 W TDP (PL2) --
-- TDP up --
-- TDP down --
100 °C Tjunction max. 105 °C

Technical details

The Intel Core i5-12600KF is manufactured in 10 nm and has 29.50 MB cache. The Intel Core Ultra 5 225F is manufactured in 3 nm and has a 50.00 MB cache.

Intel Core i5-12600KF Characteristic Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10 nm Technology 3 nm
Monolithic Chip design Monolithic
x86-64 (64 bit) Instruction set (ISA) x86-64 (64 bit)
SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2, AVX2+ ISA extensions SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2
LGA 1700 Socket LGA 1851
VT-x, VT-x EPT, VT-d Virtualization VT-x, VT-x EPT, VT-d
Yes AES-NI Yes
Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux Operating systems Windows 11, Linux
Q4/2021 Release date Q4/2024
264 $ Release price --
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Here you can rate the Intel Core i5-12600KF to help other visitors make their purchasing decisions. The average rating is 4.3 stars (113 ratings). Rate now:
Here you can rate the Intel Core Ultra 5 225F to help other visitors make their purchasing decisions. The average rating is 3.0 stars (2 ratings). Rate now:

Cinebench 2024 (Single-Core)

The Cinebench 2024 benchmark is based on the Redshift rendering engine, which is also used in Maxon's 3D program Cinema 4D. The benchmark runs are each 10 minutes long to test whether the processor is limited by its heat generation.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
105 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench 2024 (Multi-Core)

The Multi-Core test of the Cinebench 2024 benchmark uses all cpu cores to render using the Redshift rendering engine, which is also used in Maxons Cinema 4D. The benchmark run is 10 minutes long to test whether the processor is limited by its heat generation.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
909 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R23 (Single-Core)

Cinebench R23 is the successor of Cinebench R20 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
1918 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R23 (Multi-Core)

Cinebench R23 is the successor of Cinebench R20 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
17660 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Geekbench 6 (Single-Core)

Geekbench 6 is a partial load benchmark for modern computers, notebooks and smartphones. In the single-core test, only the fastest CPU core is measured. The test run simulates the performance in practice.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
2472 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Geekbench 6 (Multi-Core)

The practical Geekbench 6 multi-core benchmark tests the system's performance under partial load. The processor's maximum power consumption is far from being used up.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
11991 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
1854 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)

Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory. A fast memory will push the result a lot. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
11912 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R20 (Single-Core)

Cinebench R20 is the successor of Cinebench R15 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
741 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core)

Cinebench R20 is the successor of Cinebench R15 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
6702 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Blender 3.1 Benchmark

In the Blender Benchmark 3.1, the scenes "monster", "junkshop" and "classroom" are rendered and the time required by the system is measured. In our benchmark we test the CPU and not the graphics card. Blender 3.1 was presented as a standalone version in March 2022.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
249 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark

Some of the CPUs listed below have been benchmarked by CPU-monkey. However the majority of CPUs have not been tested and the results have been estimated by a CPU-monkey’s secret proprietary formula. As such they do not accurately reflect the actual Passmark CPU mark values and are not endorsed by PassMark Software Pty Ltd.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
27830 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

CPU-Z Benchmark 17 (Single-Core)

The CPU-Z benchmark measures a processor's performance by measuring the time it takes the system to complete all benchmark calculations. The faster the benchmark is completed, the higher the score.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
766 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

CPU-Z Benchmark 17 (Multi-Core)

The CPU-Z benchmark measures a processor's performance by measuring the time it takes the system to complete all benchmark calculations. The faster the benchmark is completed, the higher the score.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 3.70 GHz
5589 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 3.30 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The single-core test only uses one CPU core, the amount of cores or hyperthreading ability doesn't count.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.90 GHz
274 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.90 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)

Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11.5 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite. Cinema 4 is a worldwide used software to create 3D forms. The multi-core test involves all CPU cores and taks a big advantage of hyperthreading.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4.50 GHz
2596 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 4.70 GHzNot verified
0 (0%)

CPU performance per watt (efficiency)

Efficiency of the processor under full load in the Cinebench R23 (multi-core) benchmark. The benchmark result is divided by the average energy required (CPU package power in watts). The higher the value, the more efficient the CPU is under full load.
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
17,660 CB R23 MC @ 115 W
154 (100%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
3.30 GHz Not verified
0 (0%)

AI performance (NPU)

The performance values of the processor's AI unit. The isolated NPU performance is given here, the total AI performance (NPU+CPU+iGPU) can be higher.

Processors with the support of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can process many calculations, especially audio, image and video processing, much faster than classic processors. The performance is given in the number (trillions) of arithmetic operations per second (TOPS).
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 3.70 GHz
0 (0%)
Intel Core Ultra 5 225F Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
10C 10T @ 3.30 GHzNot verified
13 (100%)

Devices using this processor

Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core Ultra 5 225F
Unknown Unknown

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